Get proactive: 23 Opportunities • Streamline proactive problem management by automatically detecting clusters of Consolidate existing systems recurring incidents. • Improve and personalize customer experiences with intelligent routing for complex There are four ways to align EX and CX to enhance operational e昀케ciencies, employee queries, introduce self-service portals and conduct ongoing customer journey productivity, and 昀椀nancial impact. These can help companies empower employees to drive CX analysis. and e昀昀ect dramatic increases in business performance: • Implement advanced analytics to help leaders make better data-driven decisions. Analyze: Find patterns by examining statistical links between EX and CX Visualize: Make data-driven decisions with actionable insights Analyze services: OO Converge: Pool technologies and competencies company-wide Involve: Empower employees to take responsibility and create tangible change in the business • Investigate and resolve groups of problems at pace with automated he C identi昀椀cation of incidents that refer to the same situation. Follow the yellow brick road (to a great customer experience) • Continually monitor customer journey infrastructure to respond to real- time customer behavior and identify further opportunities to consolidate, For t Businesses must think up new ways to streamline their operations fast if they want to stay simplify and improve touchpoints. ahead of the competition. Fortunately, there are steps they can take: Get visibility: Proactive makes perfect Businesses should be striving to identify emerging problems and lookalike customers to • Real-time transparency provides a full view of the state of customer service proactively and preemptively resolve issues before they escalate, then communicate their operations. status to across the team. This enhances CX by ensuring issue resolution is smooth, fast, and e昀케cient, and increases the likelihood that customers will communicate their positive • Join IT service, customer service, and operations teams to create a common experiences to others. After all, everyone wants to go opt with the brand that’s speedy user interface and an interconnected picture of customer data. and streamlined, and whose services never seem to go wrong. • Discover and connect assets and relationships to create cross-functional task forces. The CCO The VP of customer service The LOB GM The COO The CIO

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