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Disconnected customer touchpoints and the lack of a holistic view makes e it incredibly challenging ervic to tie individual stages of omer s the customer journey to t s speci昀椀c KPIs, and misses f cu Trending challenges Minimal visibility, maximal disconnection out on opportunities to he VP o For CX to e昀昀ectively drive ROI, every step of the customer journey must be connected in such a way that points of failure and opportunities for feedback harness work昀氀ows, AI and alike may be managed. A lack of visibility across all stages of the journey leads to For t employees struggling to collaborate on partner-based service solutions, hindering one of the primary goals of retail CX programs: to provide the organization with automation for quicker the data required to identify trends and emerging issues across the customer life cycle. Disconnected customer touchpoints and the lack of a holistic view makes it incredibly challenging to tie individual stages of the customer journey to speci昀椀c KPIs, and misses out on opportunities to harness work昀氀ows, AI and automation for issue resolution and greater quicker issue resolution and greater e昀케ciencies. e昀케ciencies. The CCO The VP of customer service The LOB GM The COO The CIO

2022-2025 Trends Report - Page 13 2022-2025 Trends Report Page 12 Page 14