CODE OF ETHICS INTEGRITY TEAMWORK TRUST We protect customer and employee data Our Code for protecting customer and employee data: • Handle all personal data in accordance with our privacy and security Q: I was at a cafe 昀椀nalizing a presentation for a policies, procedures, and standards. customer and left my table to order a cup of co昀昀ee. I left my laptop open and unlocked on my table so I • Treat all personal data we have access to as con昀椀dential information. wouldn’t lose any time getting back to work. • Access only the personal data necessary to ful昀椀ll the business Are there steps that I should have taken to protect purpose. customer and employee data? • Ensure that appropriate data protection terms are in place with any third-party before disclosing personal data of our stakeholders. A: Yes. You must always be diligent when working with con昀椀dential data. When working in a public place, ensure you use a privacy screen to prevent Need to know more? the disclosure or theft of con昀椀dential data, such as • Acceptable Use Policy (Internal) ServiceNow bid details, business plans, and customer • Employee Privacy Statement Policy (Internal) data. When not in use, lock your laptop’s screen and ensure it is kept it in a secure location. • Information Security Policy (Internal) • Data Protection Statement Policy (Internal) To access additional scenarios and resources, visit our Ethics Employee Resources Site. .To report concerns or seek guidance about any of the issues raised here, contact the Ethics Hotline online at or call +1 (855) 869-7272 or the number listed for your country as listed on the Ethics Hotline.

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