CODE OF ETHICS INTEGRITY TEAMWORK TRUST We abide by policies on gifts and business courtesies Q: A vendor I’ve work with often just sent me a few branded stickers. What should I do with them? A: Keep them if you want. Accepting a token(s) of appreciation that is of nominal value is OK. Q: I would like to take some business partners out to dinner, but I’m not sure if the company they work for is owned or partially owned or controlled by a foreign government. What should I do? A: Contact [email protected] for guidance before you schedule any outings. It is important Need to know more? to know if an entity is owned or partially government owned. • Anti-Corruption Policy (Internal) • ServiceNow Corporate Gift Policy (Internal) To access additional scenarios and resources, visit our • U.S. Public Sector Gifts & Gratuities Policy (Internal) Ethics Employee Resources Site. • U.S. Public Sector Code of Ethics Addendum (internal) • Global Travel, Expense, and Credit Card Policy (Internal) .To report concerns or seek guidance about any of the issues raised here, contact the Ethics Hotline online at or call +1 (855) 869-7272 or the number listed for your country as listed on the Ethics Hotline.

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