CODE OF ETHICS INTEGRITY TEAMWORK TRUST We do not make bribes or engage in corrupt activity Our Code for avoiding bribes and corrupt activity: • We do not make charitable contributions, sponsorships or political contributions in exchange for an improper business • We never o昀昀er or pay bribes or kickbacks to anyone. We don’t advantage or in connection with any o昀케cial governmental allow our partners to do it either. decision. • Gifts or hospitality we o昀昀er to a government o昀케cial or customer • We do not make hiring decisions to improperly bene昀椀t a must be modest, appropriate, directly tied to a legitimate customer or government o昀케cial. business purpose, and in compliance with applicable laws (and • We hold ourselves to the same standards – we do not request pre-approved by Legal, Ethics & Compliance Team in certain or accept kickbacks or bribes. circumstances). • We never o昀昀er or provide cash, gift cards, or travel stipends to a government o昀케cial or employee of a state-owned enterprise (such as a public hospital or university) or public international organizations. For more speci昀椀c information regarding the giving and receiving of gifts, please review the ServiceNow Corporate Gift Policy. .To report concerns or seek guidance about any of the issues raised here, contact the Ethics Hotline online at or call +1 (855) 869-7272 or the number listed for your country as listed on the Ethics Hotline.

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