USE CASE GUIDE Great customer service is not just about cutting costs or making operations more e昀케cient. Instead, it’s a systematic reinvention of established technology, data, and operations — leveraging automation, data, and Agent Workspace provides a complete view of each customer case. agents together to Speaking of work昀氀ow, it’s pretty typical that problems customer service deals with exploit each of their are the result of an issue in another department: for example, customer billing issues unique strengths. result from problems in Finance. Work昀氀ow connects the issues Chris encounters to the departments where the root cause of problems live so they can be permanently – Forrester, The Three Customer Service addressed. Chris can keep tabs on the resolution with Case Action Status, making it Megatrends in 2019 easy to move cases to other resources and to monitor multiple open cases tied to a single problem. When a big problem crops up–a昀昀ecting a large number or even all customers–it’s unfortunately too easy to fall prey to chaos: a spike in contact volume, challenges identifying a昀昀ected customers, and assembling the team necessary to address the underlying issue. Major Issue Management helps corral all the a昀昀ected customers– both those that have reported the problem and those likely to encounter it–into a single process to address the issue. A single Major Case can be created and updated to re昀氀ect progress towards a solution. The problem can be assigned to the responsible team via work昀氀ow. Ongoing, proactive communications of status to a昀昀ected customers and internal team discussion is centrally managed from the Major Issue. This means Chris and other agents aren’t spending time working on the same issue and the issue gets addressed sooner–better for the customer and reducing the stress on Chris. Good decisions come from good information. With analytics built directly into the platform, insights like understanding issue trends, contact channel performance, opportunities for new knowledge article, agent productivity, and more are available. There are built-in KPIs to get started and more can be created. With Customer Service Management and the power of the Now Platform, optimizing the customer contact center in any format–driving higher customer satisfaction and keeping Chris productive–is within reach! 4