USE CASE GUIDE Kris is also shown a list of related posts, knowledge base articles, and documentation on the Community post suggested by machine learning. She digs further into her issue via these recommended posts and learns there’s a 昀椀rmware upgrade she can apply that might also correct her problem, but she’s not quite sure which version is correct. Kris starts a chat with the Virtual Agent, an enterprise chatbot solution that guides her through a series of questions to determine what she needs. The Virtual Agent is able to provide Kris with a link to the exact download link needed to perform the upgrade. Through Communities, Knowledge Management, and Virtual Agent, Kris was able to 昀椀x her issue herself without having to contact support. Not only is the customer happier because she was able to solve her issue when she wanted to, but the company using ServiceNow for customer service can also save costs by avoiding 15% of customer contacts through self-service tools.3 ServiceNow Virtual Agent uses natural language understanding to resolve common requests. 3. 6

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