s businesses deal with constant economic, industrial, and industries like healthcare have to support nurses, drivers, and A technological change, employee experience has become administrators. How can a company build an EX strategy that a CEO-level issue. Today, more than 81% of employees feel scales, given these many dimensions of complexity? 1 burned out and despite an economic slowdown, almost a third 3 of workers will change jobs this year. Employee experience As our Employee Experience Maturity Model shows, the problem starts with a focus on transac琀椀onal e昀케ciency and (EX), the focus on making work easier and more produc琀椀ve for service delivery and then grows to cover culture, global needs, people, is now central to business growth and success. and eventually enterprisewide growth. At each stage, new The EX topic, which started as a way to rethink employee technologies are needed, new problems arise, and deeper engagement, has exploded in complexity and growth. Today integra琀椀on must be addressed across HR, IT, facili琀椀es, legal, this domain includes all aspects of an employee’s career, and 昀椀nance. and companies have large cross-func琀椀onal teams focused In 2021 and 2022, we studied this topic in detail, and a昀琀er on it. The technologies for employees have also exploded— interviewing hundreds of companies we discovered four billions of dollars are now spent on employee portals, apps, stages of employee experience pla琀昀orms (see Figure 1). collabora琀椀on tools, and much more. Technology is cri琀椀cal in suppor琀椀ng the right culture, trust, and inclusive environment, The History of the which underpin a superior employee experience.2 EX Marketplace At 昀椀rst glance, the EX problem feels very complex. In a large manufacturing company like Medtronic, employees have a In the mid-2010s, as the job market became compe琀椀琀椀ve, very di昀昀erent set of issues from employees in sales, marke琀椀ng, companies poured money into employee engagement tools. or 昀椀nance. A global distribu琀椀on company like C.H. Robinson They launched surveys, employee listening tools, pulse survey has employees in many countries, each dealing with di昀昀erent tools, and held more and more town halls to understand how legal regula琀椀ons, business issues, and social norms. Other to make employees' lives be琀琀er. Figure 1: Evolu琀椀on of Employee Experience Pla琀昀orms EX Stage 1 EX Stage 2 EX Stage 3 EX Stage 4 Produc琀椀vity, Search, Culture, Growth, Global Programs with Scale, Infrastructure, Informa琀椀on Efficiency Wellbeing, Engagement Local Configura琀椀on Con琀椀nuous Improvement Create an employee portal, Design programs for Design global standards for Decide on EX pla琀昀orms to use case management and onboarding, employee employee programs, including use, replace, or supplement knowledge management, transi琀椀ons, benefits, leave, standard offerings for hybrid backend HR systems with EX deploy chatbots and learning, performance work, vaca琀椀on, and family “orchestra琀椀on pla琀昀orm.” self-service transac琀椀ons management, feedback, and leave, with local Create global alignment including benefits, open growth. Work with C-level implementa琀椀ons that vary. Give between local businesses and enrollment, and other and HR to build culture, managers and local leaders global service centers. lifecycle events. connec琀椀on, and growth. access to EX tools and decisions. HR, IT, facili琀椀es, payroll, benefits, Org design, L&D, DEI, and IT, digital transforma琀椀on, HR communica琀椀ons involved. other leaders involved. Global cross func琀椀onal teams opera琀椀ons, and business involved. partners involved. Make work easier. Make work meaningful. Scale EX globally. Create global EX pla琀昀orms. Source: The Josh Bersin Company, 2022 1 Global Talent Trends, 2022 Study: Rise of the relatable organiza琀椀on, Mercer, 2022. 3 The De昀椀ni琀椀ve Guide: Employee Experience, Josh Bersin and Kathi Enderes, PhD/The Josh 2 “The Important Role of Technology,” The De昀椀ni琀椀ve Guide: Employee Experience, Josh Bersin Bersin Company, 2022. and Kathi Enderes, PhD/The Josh Bersin Company, 2021. The Rise of the Employee Experience Pla琀昀orm: Essen琀椀al to Business Success | Copyright © 2022 The Josh Bersin Company 2 All rights reserved. Not for distribu琀椀on. Licensed material.

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