Trending challenges All-remote call centers have made it harder for O agents to quickly C access up-to- he C date knowledge For t Forecasting that makes weather reports look easy and specialized Forecasting a contact center is tough. Sta昀昀 shortages can result in long wait times for customers, as well as leave agents frustrated, even unmotivated. And while customers sta昀昀 such as 昀氀oor may be forgiving of a delay once in a blue moon, you’ll lose them the moment it becomes a regular issue. On the other hand, labor costs are typically 70–80% of the 12 budget—and oversta昀케ng can further bloat costs . Companies that don’t forecast managers. won’t have the right agents available at the right time, and that’s seriously detrimental to CX. It’s a 昀椀ne balance, and a crucial one. The CCO The VP of customer service The LOB GM The COO The CIO

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