9 Trending challenges What’s the score? Stop the churn Today, B2B customers want a B2C experience. So how can we provide it to them? All-remote call centers have made it harder for agents to quickly access up-to- date knowledge and specialized sta昀昀 such as 昀氀oor managers. This breakdown in Retail has some answers. The industry tracks CSAT and NPS scores, and has pioneered communication and slowed response times inevitably damages Customer Experience multiple ways to evaluate how they’re doing and hear customers’ thoughts about (CX)—but it also a昀昀ects Employee Experiece (EX), too. No one wants to sit on the phone the company, products, and services. It’s time for other industries to follow their lead. with a dissatis昀椀ed customer feeling powerless to help them, after all. Agents take 108 Whether you’re a software company or an auto parts manufacturer, it’s critical to focus minutes a day seeking and gathering information. That’s almost 10 hours a week. What on building relationships with customers. else could employees be achieving in that time if only they had properly functioning O search capabilities? C And this approach doesn’t just bene昀椀t your CSAT and NPS metrics. Providing a good experience can be essential to closing a deal—not to mention opening new revenue Employees are asking the same question, and it’s leading to a talent shortage and high streams in the future. churn rates. he C For t Labor costs are typically 70–80% of the budget—and oversta昀케ng can further 12 bloat costs. The CCO The VP of customer service The LOB GM The COO The CIO
2022-2025 Trends Report Page 8 Page 10