25 Putting band-aids on band-aids For many companies, the primary technology pain point is so-called “band-aid solutions,” which sees platforms, systems, and programs cobbled together just to get the job done in the here and now, even though these disparate elements don’t naturally tessellate. Integration problems with band-aid solutions and third-party providers fail to treat root issues, leading to customer data compliance complexities. A single task may require the employee to hop endlessly between a spreadsheet, database, and any other number of tools, while their coworkers struggle to stay on the IO same page (and experience su昀昀ers). he C Trending challenges Problems arise when For t Operating with blinders on insights can’t be garnered Customer insights are derived from data analysis, and help organizations better understand who their customers are, what they really want from the brand, and how, because of a convoluted when, and what to sell to them. But problems arise when insights can’t be garnered because of a convoluted delivery environment, and business outcomes su昀昀er as a result. Without access to these insights, marketers can’t improve CX, optimize their delivery environment, and campaign results, or increase pro昀椀tability. Despite this, many marketers continue to waste budget on misplaced ads, with the full potential of customer insights simply left by the wayside. They can’t make data-driven decisions or ensure their business outcomes su昀昀er campaigns are reaching the right people on the right channel at the right time. as a result. The CCO The VP of customer service The LOB GM The COO The CIO

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