Opportunities 19 Unite your systems A single system of record and the tools to act on them gives teams full visibility and puts those insights to use, enabling them to work concurrently and more e昀케ciently. Money is saved. Duplicate work is avoided, collaboration enhanced, and outcomes improved on a greater array of projects. More coherently managed data paired with the tools to put it to good use can be a massive motivator for employees: It saves a huge amount of time that they might have otherwise spent searching, cleaning, and verifying data before being able to use it. Their time is freed, enabling them to focus on strategy, industry research, and experimentation, rather than repetitive and monotonous tasks which frequently o昀昀er only uninspiring results at best. Employees feel that they’re adding more tangible value to the business, and make the role their own. Furthermore, enterprises centered around a single overarching data system are most able OB GM to innovate in an increasingly competitive business landscape, staying ahead of trends and expanding their reach while nurturing their existing client base. They can deliver he L highly personalized customer communications and product recommendations. And with advanced insights into customer browsing and purchasing activity, businesses can better identify in-demand products and services and common pain points in the buying journey For t to execute bespoke campaigns. Take the most e昀케cient route Through the process of intelligent routing, also known as “skills-based” or “smart routing,” contact centers bene昀椀t from a uni昀椀ed system that sees all incoming customer queries—no matter their channel—reach the correct agent or solution. When executed well, intelligent routing makes customer service organizations more e昀케cient and economical, bolstering CX in the process. Intelligent routing via AI ensures internal experts are reserved for escalations, and that knowledge is more equitably distributed across employees. POC projects and innovation are encouraged, and regular experimentation and improvements become an embedded element of the LOB fabric. The CCO The VP of customer service The LOB GM The COO The CIO

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