Digital sprawl means employees must navigate 18 Trending challenges Tripping over digital sprawl an overwhelming number When a business can’t scale and operationalize service e昀昀ectively, it struggles to remain competitive by increasing time-to-resolution, and providing customer-centric of internal applications and products and services. POC projects are a昀昀ected by the sheer volume of collaboration and communication tools employees must use to carry out their roles. Yet the number of such tools required continues to rise, and this so-called “digital sprawl” was portals, and have to deploy, exacerbated further by the continuing health crisis. Digital sprawl means employees must navigate an overwhelming number of internal applications and portals, and have to deploy, support, and scale multiple websites. This not only wastes time and support, and scale multiple money, but also leads to dissatis昀椀ed employees who are fed up with drowning in easily solved, mundane tasks, and inconsistent and unreliable digital experience. Frustrated OB GM employees are less engaged, perform worse, and feel less inclined to bring their best websites. This not only wastes selves to work. They are also more likely to leave your organization to move to one that will prioritize their work on the cases that challenge their expertise, and give them the he L tools to do the work they do best – making customers smile. time and money, but also leads For t to dissatis昀椀ed employees who are fed up with drowning in easily solved, mundane tasks, and inconsistent and unreliable digital experience. The CCO The VP of customer service The LOB GM The COO The CIO

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