CODE OF ETHICS INTEGRITY TEAMWORK TRUST We maintain accurate books and records Our business relies on the trust of our investors and the public, so we must maintain complete and accurate books and records We need to at all times. We must ensure our 昀椀nancial reports, public 昀椀lings, have unrelenting and public statements meet legal requirements and accounting commitment standards. And that our business records fairly and accurately to integrity in re昀氀ect our activities. everything we do. Our Code for maintaining accurate books and records: Gina Mastantuono • We accurately record and report 昀椀nancial transactions in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, accounting Chief Financial O昀케cer practices, and ServiceNow policies. • Our written contracts fully and accurately re昀氀ect all deal terms. • We don’t enter into side agreements or o昀昀-the-books transactions. • We retain and dispose of all documents and materials in compliance with our legal obligations and our Record Retention Policy. .To report concerns or seek guidance about any of the issues raised here, contact the Ethics Hotline online at or call +1 (855) 869-7272 or the number listed for your country as listed on the Ethics Hotline.

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