CODE OF ETHICS Our Code re昀氀ects our values and purpose So, how do we do it? We show up every day with our purpose leading the way, aligned to our core values, and we always do the right thing by keeping integrity, teamwork, and trust top of mind. This not only applies to ServiceNow’s employees and leaders, but our entire community including contingent workers, executive o昀케cers, and Board of Directors. We recognize that decisions are not always clear-cut. © 2023 ServiceNow, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential. 2 That’s why our Code provides an overview of some of our speci昀椀c policies, as well as the framework to help us navigate areas of uncertainty and apply our Because, to make the world of values to all situations. work, work better for people, Our values and behaviors come together as our Code of Ethics (our “Code”). we must make our world of And, the true function of our Code is to act as our cultural guide-rails and work the best that it can be. provide tools and resources to help you do the right thing, time after time, no matter the circumstances. To report concerns or seek guidance about any of the issues raised here, contact the Ethics Hotline online at or call +1 (855) 869-7272 or the number listed for your country as listed on the Ethics Hotline.

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