The more experience a company has the faster they move Despite the wide variety of EX tools, companies need all these to Stage 4. A global company like Medtronic, for example, systems to work together. Every new employee need has the may design an onboarding program for new manufacturing poten琀椀al to touch many backend systems, so the EXP becomes engineers but must quickly understand its global implica琀椀ons an “orchestra琀椀on system” to bring these pieces together. and the adjacent roles that also need this program. Every Consider, for example, the simple need for employees to take program that Medtronic now designs has a global team and a family leave. They have to register for leave and get approval service delivery element built in. from their manager, then schedule their leave 琀椀me, set up payroll adjustments based on their role, turn in or turn o昀昀 Rapid Maturity of Employee their devices and security, and then set up remote access Experience Technology security for their 琀椀me o昀昀. Just this simple set of transac琀椀ons may access three to 昀椀ve backend systems, each of which is 5 complex and “legacy” in its own design. As we wrote about several years ago, these technology complexi琀椀es demand an integrated pla琀昀orm, and the sooner companies think about this the be琀琀er. Expansion of EX Use Cases At the beginning of the EX journey, most companies want a The number of use cases keeps growing. Current research simple employee portal, a case management system, and a place to look up policies, procedures, and checklists. Quickly, on EX 昀椀nds there are more than 80 employee “journeys” to consider, and dozens of technologies involved. Each can be as the program matures, companies realize the EX pla琀昀orm (EXP) has to do more. Now the system must deeply integrate important and cri琀椀cal at some moment in 琀椀me, and when they ma琀琀er, they can o昀琀en make or break an employee’s job with many legacy applica琀椀ons, enable development of custom sa琀椀sfac琀椀on and produc琀椀vity (see Figure 4). journeys, and provide AI-enabled chatbots, intelligent rou琀椀ng, and user interfaces for di昀昀erent employee roles. Figure 4: EX Use Cases and Issues EX Use Case Issues Employee portal or app • Where will an employee go to locate or source informa琀椀on and tools? • What will the mobile, remote, or disconnected environment look like? • How will an employee transi琀椀on into a job or across roles? Onboarding and transi琀椀ons • What is the process for leave, promo琀椀on, re琀椀rement, or transi琀椀oning to a new role or country? Knowledge management • Where are the policies, rules, forms, and standards employees need to find and use? • How does an employee change a password, find payroll informa琀椀on, submit a grievance, and rec琀椀fy hundreds of other ques琀椀ons? Case management • How will an employee ask for help or open a case? • Where will the ques琀椀on be serviced, and how does an employee reach the appropriate service center or business partner? 5 The Employee Experience Pla琀昀orm Market Has Arrived: Employee Service Delivery as a Founda琀椀on for Great Experiences, Josh Bersin/The Josh Bersin Company, 2019. The Rise of the Employee Experience Pla琀昀orm: Essen琀椀al to Business Success | Copyright © 2022 The Josh Bersin Company 5 All rights reserved. Not for distribu琀椀on. Licensed material.

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