Figure 4: EX Use Cases and Issues (con琀椀nued) Chatbot or call center • How can an employee ask for help or get answers to a ques琀椀on without necessarily finding an HR business partner? • How should this interac琀椀on fit into Microso昀琀 Teams, Slack, or other messaging systems? • Where do employees go to look at vaca琀椀on balances, hours worked, 401(k) Pay and benefits op琀椀ons, and the myriad benefits and wellbeing programs? • What is the process for resolving a pay issue, ques琀椀on, or change? • How does an employee find new learning and growth? Growth and development • What career op琀椀ons are available? • Where is the employee’s performance plan, goals, or financial budgets to manage? Employee directory • How does an employee find peers, experts, or others? • How can an employee share their interests and skills? • How can employees share personal aspects of their lives with their coworkers? Belonging and special interests • How can an employee experience social “belonging” while at work? • How can an employee find and join interest groups and share family photos or other personal informa琀椀on? • How can an employee join an employee resource group? • Where is DEI educa琀椀on and support? • How are flexible work and wellbeing managed? Wellbeing and flexible work • Is there a process or set of systems for scheduling, determining loca琀椀on, desk reserva琀椀ons, gym membership, and hundreds of other “nonwork” related issues? Feedback • How can an employee give sugges琀椀ons or feedback to the company, HR, or IT? • Where are the employee opinion surveys, group chats, crowdsourcing, or sugges琀椀on tools? Legal or compliance • How can an employee make sure they are up to date on compliance training? • What if they need to open a legal case involving some kind of escala琀椀on? • Where does the company communicate messages from the CEO and leadership, Communica琀椀ons and news new policies, new announcements, or news? • Where does an employee go to find out what’s local and relevant to their loca琀椀on or department? Local policies and procedures • How can an employee stay current on local informa琀椀on about their team, facility, department, or func琀椀on? Manager hub • How can a manager easily view, manage, support, or communicate with their local or geographic team? Source: The Josh Bersin Company, 2022 The Rise of the Employee Experience Pla琀昀orm: Essen琀椀al to Business Success | Copyright © 2022 The Josh Bersin Company 6 All rights reserved. Not for distribu琀椀on. Licensed material.

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