As you can see, there are myriad employee experience issues manage backend interfaces, and give HR managers and leaders to consider, each of which comes from di昀昀erent systems, a set of design tools to build what individual work groups need. data sources, or applica琀椀ons. While many who u琀椀lize HCM systems believe they can do this alone, no single applica琀椀on The new enterprise EXP should allow for several layers of is designed for this breadth. Therefore, we need the EXP func琀椀onality and provide: to become a “global orchestra琀椀on system,” designed for •  A “produc琀椀zed portal” that makes it easy for HR and IT con昀椀gura琀椀on, scale, and ease of use. managers to add new applica琀椀ons to the user experience. The New Employee •  A personalized and con昀椀gurable pla琀昀orm, so all Experience Platform employees see and experience their own journeys. It must 琀椀ghtly integrate with backend systems (HCM, learning, bene昀椀ts, 琀椀me tracking, 昀椀nancial apps, security, badge In the early stages of the EX market, vendors provided readers, etc.). standalone tools such as case management systems, survey •  A “designer” toolset to ensure nontechnical managers can tools, communica琀椀ons pla琀昀orms, and portals. Now, as the market has grown and expanded, the EXP itself has become build journeys, design and build work昀氀ows, and distribute an enterprise system. administra琀椀on to local groups. Consider layered architecture (see Figure 5). While it may Under the covers, the EXP must make it easy for service be possible for IT to integrate dozens of employee-facing centers, business partners, and managers to communicate with applica琀椀ons, there is no easy way for these to work together. and respond to employee needs. As one major HR leader put it, Companies need a new pla琀昀orm, one that might be called "EX is all about service delivery.” In other words, everything that a “design and orchestra琀椀on system,” to create work昀氀ows, isn’t self-service needs a service delivery person behind it. Figure 5: HR Technology Architecture Produc琀椀vity Apps (Video, Voice, Chat, Email, Messaging, Scheduling) Employee Portal or Mobile App Apps Onboarding, Benefits, Wellbeing, Pay, Rewards, 401k, IT, Legal, Security, Belonging, Stories, Safety, Emergency, Custom Employee Transi琀椀on Mental Health Stock Op琀椀ons Facili琀椀es Personal Groups Escala琀椀ons Journeys Services Search, Discovery, Triggers, Rou琀椀ng, User Assist, Case Knowledge Surveys, Learning Communica琀椀ons Indexing Incidents Chat, Voice Management Management Feedback Career Broadcast Databases HR Finance Learning Feedback Documents Logis琀椀cs Employee ERP Recrui琀椀ng Workflow Knowledge Safety Workforce Job Skills Employee Talent Management Architecture Architecture Sen琀椀ment Intelligence Source: The Josh Bersin Company, 2022 The Rise of the Employee Experience Pla琀昀orm: Essen琀椀al to Business Success | Copyright © 2022 The Josh Bersin Company 7 All rights reserved. Not for distribu琀椀on. Licensed material.

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